Lectures on Blackness

       for black people who will never step foot in Princeton

Black life blooms

fades–ephemeral as weather

our skin a mask like cloud cover


Rage on for black death.

I sat in class as Dr. lectured on determinism and black fatalism

and permanence of racism and self-discovery

and the struggle that chokes, the rain that pours


The resistence to the antibody of self-care

anti-black the whiteness that whiteness makes and remakes

The powers that be, the powers that choke

I wake up in the middle of lecture but my eyes were never closed

My own ignorance before me,

handed to me,

handed down to me

at the core

in the depths

beside the margin.

I stand

I demand and call

a change.

gone come

I sing of America

a melacholy drum beat shaped by the corps crying out from the ground

from the playground the b

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